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Week #11 - New Values & Users Testing

Apr 9

2 min read



This week at the studio, we defined again the selected values and understood that the values on which we want to base the solution are creativity and dynamism.

We understand that we not only provide users with creative solutions they may not have thought of, but the application is also dynamic, and users will eventually know that the proposals will remain available to them with different solutions for each product at every stage of its lifecycle.


Additionally, we continued to check what small business owners would like to see on the home screen.

For this purpose, we returned to the business owners on whom we performed the first usability test, and this time we focused on the selection process among the proposed options and what lies behind their preferences and choices.

We found that we’re moving (fingers crossed) in the right direction –  

business owners claimed that the suggested options bring up new ideas or solutions they hadn't considered before > This validates our idea of the availability heuristic.

Business owners mentioned that having a wide range of options allows them the flexibility to "shoot in all directions," meaning, to try out various options in order to understand what works and what doesn't. This helps them avoid waste and determine which option could serve as their default choice if they come to a situation where a product is about to go bad.

Furthermore, the users agreed with the change we made in the screen, stating that when the options are organized into groups, it is clear and convenient for them to adjust their choice in an orderly process.

Before our first meeting with Hezi, we continued to work on the homepage screen and tried to tailor it as much as possible to features that would motivate 'behavioral change' in the user.

Wishing everyone good luck,

We're hoping for a successful week and that we continue to make progress.

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