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Week 19 - Final Presentation & Goodbyes

Jun 24

2 min read



We are excited to write the last post on our blog, marking the end of a year in which we created the Shelfie app. Throughout this journey, we explored, learned, experimented, tested, and most importantly - grew tremendously.

Just before the final event, we’ve reached the finish line for all our project tasks:

We completed the design of the website's landing page and the blog.

We also finished editing the movie with Dovev, and now, after a year of sharing our journey, everyone can watch it and understand the essence of the app - the problem it solves, how it fits into the daily routines of business owners, and how easy and beneficial it is to use.

Last Tuesday, we all met for the last time in the milab, feeling excited and a bit nervous to present our app for the last (and also the first) time.

We were happy to see familiar faces of mentors who guided us along the way, friends and family who came to support and share our excitement, and many more visitors who were interested in the app and its future.

We were thrilled to showcase our project through the final presentation and even more excited to receive such positive feedback and hear about ways it can be further developed and integrated it into "real life" – this provided us with a final validation of our efforts over the past year.

So, for the last time,

Many thanks to everyone who was part of our journey:

To our families and friends who accompanied us and endured the entire range of emotions we experienced, to the small business owners who, week after week, agreed to pause their work and dedicate time to our usability tests and helped us understand the problem and refine the solution, and of course, to the mentors, led by Dr Noa Morag, who were our guides throughout the year, helping, directing, explaining, and being available for changes and consultations at any time.

It has been a challenging year, in every way, and we hope our project will grow and truly help make the world a better place,

The Shelfie team.

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