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Week #18 - Demo Pitch & Finalizing Our Tasks

Jun 13

1 min read



This week, we had our first product demo and we introduced Shelfie to various industry mentors. We finished the event feeling overwhelmed but excited. We received important feedback on both the app itself and our pitch presentation.

The demo was a good rehearsal for the upcoming final event, for which we aim to be as prepared as possible. We are very excited about it!

Over the past week, we have continued working on the final improvements to the app. After meeting with Ofir, we realized we need to focus our presentation on highlighting the product's value for small business owners (in this case, saving money) rather than on sustainability and waste reduction.

We also worked on the landing page of our website and completed the movie for the final presentation.

We're starting to feel the final event approaching, and we're very excited about it!

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