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Week #13 - Insight Page + User Testing

May 7

2 min read



This week, after another meeting with Hazi, we started working on our insight page.

As part of our fourth usability test, we examined whether the current page meets the expectations of small business owners - whether it's clear, and whether there are things they would like to know but are missing (yet).

Additionally, after the past interviews, we realized we need to refine the home page as well, and we made several changes that were evaluated in this week's usability test.

These are the following points that were repeated from the usability tests:

  • The special recipes for raw materials are an essential solution among seasonal businesses.

  • It is understood that the insight is based on habits.

  • The insight and home pages are intuitively clear in terms of text/action.

However, it is argued that the application lacks:

  • A timeline feature (They feel they want to know what the timeline is for each product for the rest of the week).

  • Space to mark recipe/promotion usage.

  • Graphs in the insight - text alone does not call to action.

  • Accurate and optimal analysis is lacking for future improvements.

This week we started thinking about the script for our final film, which will showcase the application.

We decided that the genre we want to use is comedy, believing that it allows us to address important issues in a light way. We think that a narrator, with a bit of humor, can convey our message in the best way within a minute.

In the script, we presented the problem we address in the form of questions, presented the solution, and detailed the three main things in the app with a full explanation.

Also, we continue to work on the seminar, and this week we met with Hadas who gave us feedback on the 'Related Work' chapter and notes for implementation for the next meeting.

We hope to continue progressing and refining our solution more and more!

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