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Week #16 - Finalized The App + Shooting The Final Movie

May 28

1 min read



This week, after another meeting with Hezi and Joanna, we implemented the recommended changes, chose a name for the app, and a logo that we all think represents the project behind the name -

The choice of name comes from the fact that we're talking about an app powered by a smart shelf. Besides being catchy and easy to remember, the name also reflects the physical nature of the product. We’re focusing on the financial aspect as the main pain point for small business owners, so we decided to represent the 's' as a dollar sign to give a "sneak peek" into what this app is about.

Throughout the week, we started testing the app with users to make sure it's understandable and the flow works.

Once we finalized the design and main flow, we moved on to the next project - filming our final project video.

We started with a Zoom call with Dovav, who gave us essential tips for the shoot that we’ll work on with him later.

Then, on Monday morning, we all met at a young entrepreneurs' business to film the script we wrote. We brought two cameras to capture different angles at the same time - That went great!

Meanwhile, we also started writing the design chapter for the seminar with Hadas, with each of us getting a writing section for the next week.

We hope to keep moving forward, enjoy the process, and succeed in our upcoming tasks!

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