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Week #4 - Presenting Our Findings

Jan 14

1 min read




This week, following the presentation of interview findings, we began to focus on a specific problem. In the interviews, various issues and needs of small business owners emerged, such as financial inflexibility and wastage of goods, sometimes beyond their control.

Additionally, some business owners suggested solutions that could facilitate their operations.


Throughout the week, we worked on our presentation, where we present the main domain, persona characteristics, outline the needs and problems, and conclude with the "how might we" question.

We started working on Tuesday and met again on Sunday (this time on Zoom) to finalize the work. As a group, we decided to focus on a specific problem, understanding that the chosen topics are very broad and can be approached from varioudirections.

We completed the presentation with everyone feeling satisfied and sharing the same enthusiasm.


Furthermore, we started working on the seminar and had our first meeting with Hadas. It was decided to focus on three central topics for article research:


1. Everything related to waste, small and commercial businesses, ecology, and sustainability.

2. How important it is for small businesses to be green, exploring potential connections.

3. How small businesses enter the marketplaces, and what contributes to their success.

cross your fingers we'll nailed the presentation!

see you in next week update :-)

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