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Week #6 - Ideation

Jan 29

2 min read



This week in the studio, we worked on several exercises with the goal of finding solutions to the question we defined -

"How might we help small business owners reduce waste?"

Firstly, we started by brainstorming various solutions, including both existing and new ones, that could address this problem. Our solutions were a mix of conceptual and practical approaches. In the end, we categorized them into those that are implementable, those that are not, new ideas, and existing concepts.

At the conclusion of the task, our board looked like this:

on the far right were existing and feasible ideas, while on the left were things we couldn't implement.

Secondly, we examined applications that inspire us, with a focus on the features we find valuable. The applications we focused on included: Vivino, Yellow, and Waze.

Thirdly, we were asked to imagine what a "perfect assistant" would be like and how it would contribute to solving our problem. We also explored what recommendations it would give to the user to minimize waste. Following that, we described how its assistance would fit into the user's timeline and how it would help in addressing the problem.

After organizing the assistance on a timeline, we were tasked with finding a "trigger point" where we want to introduce our solution. The trigger point we chose is just before the product is about to expire, where the solution would come into play.

Finally, we were asked to describe the introduction point of the solution in a scenario. In this scenario, Daniel, a small business owner, receives an update on the status of potatoes in her warehouse. She sees that she has 2 kilograms that will spoil in two days. After the notification, the application offers her various options for using the potatoes (different recipes/composting). Daniel chooses to prepare a special potato soup for 20₪ per serving, based on the recipe she read. Daniel avoids unnecessary waste, adds an additional profit to her business, and the application rewards her for the correct usage and provides positive feedback on her management. Additionally, through analyzing order data, the application recommends to Daniel to reduce the quantity of potatoes for the next order.

It was a great wednesday in the studio,

hopefully, it just the beginning :-)

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